Course Curriculum

Productive Leadership Capabilty

    1. Welcome Note

    2. Welcome Video

    3. Productive Leadership Overview

    4. Productive Leadership Overview Quiz

    5. Our Brains

    6. Creating Habits

    7. Followership

    8. Gripes Go Up, Never Down

    9. Followership Tips

    10. Introduction Chapter Quiz

    1. Being Accountable

    2. Personal Mission

    3. Create Your Personal Mission

    4. Personal Vision

    5. Create Your Personal Vision

    6. Personal Values

    7. Create Your Personal Values

    8. The Leader Chapter Quiz

    1. Leadership Roles

    2. Leadership Roles Exercise Form

    3. Leadership Roles Quiz

    1. Leadership Attributes - Good CARMA

    2. CARMA Exercise

    3. Leadership Attributes Quiz

    1. Time Management

    2. Time Log Spreadsheet

    3. Time Management Tips

    4. Time Management Quiz

    5. These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty

    6. Communication

    7. Communication Quiz

    8. Empowerment

    9. Empowerment Matrix Sheet

    10. Empowerment Quiz

    11. Giving and Receiving Feedback

    12. Giving and Receiving Feeback Tips

    13. Giving and Receiving Feedback Quiz

    14. Addressing Repeated Non-Compliance

    15. Addressing Non-Compliance Quiz

    16. Conflict Management

    17. Conflict Management Quiz

    18. Being Right Isn't Enough

    1. Bases and Sources of Power

    2. Which Power, When?

    3. Power Quiz

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  • 53 lessons

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